We took Aaron fishing today at the pond on campus. It was a lot more pleasant out than I imaginged it would be...the light breeze helped. He bought his first fishing pole this afternoon at Wal-Mart. He calls it his "fishing pold" (It has "Lightning McQueen's" racing number on it) He's very proud of it. He just couldn't understand why we don't keep them in the house. We didn't catch a single fish but had fun watching the ducks. Aaron was very satisfied with just passing the time playing with unused corks and throwing rocks into the water. Joshua is spending a few days in Starkville with Momma and Daddy.
look at that sweet face! i'm sure he's loving having some one-on-one time with mama and daddy!
I'm gonna have to go and buy two pink fishing poles for the girls...are there any with glitter or princesses on them? ;)
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