This is Sara Kate and Emma. I just had to share this has to be one of the most adorable pictures I've ever seen. I hope our boys can be this sweet to each other in the future. I'm not counting on it though. Sisters are just different.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I love taking pictures of the boys outdoors, so they have to put up with a lot during the Fall. We went onto campus this afternoon and took a few while they played. It was very hard getting pictures that were not blurred by their activities. (Joshua especially)
I'm only posting a few of the best ones.
For time's sake, I'm going to post several times to include the pictures. Our computer is so slow.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Grown Up Aaron

Look out Temple Baptist when they turn Joshua loose!
What a view!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday Morning at the Cabin

Not much of a story to go with them, sorry. Just pictures...
Our Ball of Energy

Just a Normal Night in the Thompson Household...
bellybutton for a handle? He doesn't seem to mind, does he?
You catch him any way you know how... (I look a bit tired in this picture)
I don't know how much studying gets done, but I like how Grandma puts it,
"you can tell the important things are getting done."
Joshua and Scrappy Pappy
Aaron and His Poppi

Where to Begin?
It has been kindly brought to my attention that I have not posted in quite some time. I will not share excuses (although I think they are good), but commit to doing better in the future. The windows of our lives will once more be opened to our loved ones. Enjoy!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
You've Got to Read This
Russell is a friend from Starkville that is currently serving in the mission field of Hondurus. Each day he writes on his blog ( ) about "the goings on" and what he sees God doing around him and in his own life. Some pretty awesome stuff has been happening and I'm so thankful that he's sharing his experience with others in this way (the blog). I want everyone to read his entry from June 19th, 2008 ASAP! Life flies at us so fast that most of the time we forget to be thankful for all of God's gifts. After reading the post, please share with others this amazing story and pray for the work being done in Hondurus and around the world.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Having Fun with Photosmart

I know this sounds really, how shall I put it,..."slow" of me, but I just firgured out tonight how to make my pictures in black and white with photosmart...I know, I know, big deal, but I've been having fun with it and decided to post some of the pictures I have done...some are new and others are just some that I played around with. Enjoy. And stop laughing at me.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
A Weekend in Starkville
I think Lowell and Daniel had as much fun (if not more) than Aaron did
with the airplanes and seeing the different ways to make them fly... and CRASH!!!

(Joshua was at Grammy & Poppi's House)

We spent last weekend in Starkville with Daniel's parents. Aaron had a wonderful time with Scrappy and BaBa but I think he had the most fun with his Great Grandma. They did all the things that boys like most: Picking up sticks and pinecones in the yard, making sheet tents in the livingroom, playing with the dog, and eating good home cooking. Thanks Grandma! Joshua spent most of the time with Grammy and Poppi at their house. He has had a fever for a few days and Grammy is a great nurse. Thank you Grammy!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We took Aaron fishing today at the pond on campus. It was a lot more pleasant out than I imaginged it would be...the light breeze helped. He bought his first fishing pole this afternoon at Wal-Mart. He calls it his "fishing pold" (It has "Lightning McQueen's" racing number on it) He's very proud of it. He just couldn't understand why we don't keep them in the house. We didn't catch a single fish but had fun watching the ducks. Aaron was very satisfied with just passing the time playing with unused corks and throwing rocks into the water. Joshua is spending a few days in Starkville with Momma and Daddy.
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Friday, May 30, 2008
Lawn Mower Fever...

My friend, Christina Chisholm, posted on her blog about lawn mover fever...
I urge all of you to read this post as it applies to just about every household in the South. The first two pictures I'm posting now show Aaron (2yrs old) with his pride. It most definately begins at an early age. The Third is of our boys watching Daniel cut the yard. Thanks for the laugh Christina (You really are a funny person!)
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